Diversity Network in Canada
Canadian Diversity and Inclusion
eQuest now handles Canadian Diversity and Inclusion as well Federal Contractor Program job listings for employers. With eQuest’s longstanding success of handling federally mandated job listing requirements and 100% audit pass record, we now offer a solution for Canadian employers to ensure they have access to multiple diversity job boards to satisfy their requirements under the Employment Equity Act and FCP. Some include veteran, disabled veteran, LGBTQQIP2SAA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous, and asexual), women, Aboriginal peoples, and members of visible minorities.
With eQuest, you will get the following:
- Access to Canada’s top diversity boards, local community-based organizations, associations, colleges, universities and vocational centers.
- Cloud-based reporting available 24/7/365.
- Complete, highly detailed reporting that clearly verifies each component of your job listings.
- Automated job collection and delivery.
- Delivery of job(s) to destinations within 50-mile radius of job location.
- Freedom of knowing your jobs are being securely handled by a company that has 25 years of experience in the global job distribution space.
Contact us for more information.